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WEDOLiT N 22-4
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Logo - WEDOLiT<sup>®</sup>, teal-red
WEDOLiT N 22-4



WEDOLiT N 22-4 is a medium-viscosity, non-water-soluble forming oil for deep-drawing sheet steel, for example, for the automotive industry. This includes sheet metal that is galvanized, or hot-dip galvanized on one or both sides, sheet metal coated with zinc metal, aluminized sheet metal, or sheets made of aluminum or aluminum alloys.

The product meets the requirements of the test procedure according to VDA 230-213, and has been approved by all VDA members.

  • Also acts as an anti-corrosion oil
  • Subsequent preservation of drawn parts is not necessary due to the good corrosion protection
  • Can be applied by spraying, flooding, brushing or with felt rollers
  • The oil film can be easily removed with organic solvents or water-soluble alkaline cleaners

WEDOLiT N 22-4   
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