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Logo - TRIM™ wrapped with Metalworking Fluids and Master Fluid Solutions, teal
TRIM® C270

High-performance Synthetic

TRIM<sup>®</sup> C270 - 5 gallon pail

Application Guidelines

  • The harder you work this product the better the results will be.
  • C270 is not recommended in machine tools that rely on the splash of the coolant to lubricate the mechanical portions of the machine tool, e.g. older screw machines, etc.
  • C270 is not recommended on materials like magnesium or zirconium without special precautions.
  • This product is a superior cleaning agent so it may "wash out" dirt and residues when a machine is first charged; a thorough cleaning of older machines is required when installing this product the first time.
  • The minimum recommended concentration is 5% on cast iron and 4% on steel.
  • Concentrations above 7.5% provide excellent corrosion inhibition, tool life, and sump life; however, the best concentration for your operation should be determined by on-site experience.
  • For additional product application information, including performance optimisation, please contact your Master Fluid Solutions' Authorised Distributor at, your District Sales Manager, or call our Tech Line at +49 211 41 72 8 -900.

TRIM® C270   
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