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WEDOLiT® FW 9200 (C 66)

WEDOLiT® FW 9200 Replaces Lubricants, Coolants & Corrosion Protectants in 18-Step Ammunition Manufacturing Process
The customer has produced ammunition from their site in Germany for over 60 years. Recognised as a leader in the European defence industry, the company currently offers three primary product lines designed to meet the needs of police departments and military personnel.
WEDOLiT® FW 9200 Replaces Lubricants, Coolants & Corrosion Protectants in 18-Step Ammunition Manufacturing Process
The customer has produced ammunition from their site in Germany for over 60 years. Recognised as a leader in the European defence industry, the company currently offers three primary product lines designed to meet the needs of police departments and military personnel.
WEDOLiT® FW 9200 Replaces Lubricants, Coolants & Corrosion Protectants in 18-Step Ammunition Manufacturing Process
The customer has produced ammunition from their site in Germany for over 60 years. Recognised as a leader in the European defence industry, the company currently offers three primary product lines designed to meet the needs of police departments and military personnel.