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TRIM® MicroSol™ 590XT

Precision Motion Control Manufacturer Improves Sump Life 4x with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT
A Precision Motion Control Manufacturer faced challenges with a competitor's coolant, including short sump life, foul odours and inadequate protection for alloys. After consulting with Master Fluid Solutions™, they switched to TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT, which significantly improved machining operations by extending sump life to two years, eliminating odours and enhancing protection for sensitive alloys, leading to increased product quality and a strong partnership with Master Fluid Solutions.
UK Aerospace Manufacturer Cuts Fluid Consumption by 36% with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT
The customer is a UK-based aerospace manufacturer that specialises in component production. After a long partnership with their previous cutting fluid supplier, the company began searching for alternatives when managers realised their coolant was the cause of many deteriorating conditions on the shop floor.
Aerospace Components Manufacturer Reduces Consumption with Master Fluid Solutions™
Even a company with decades in the industry will occasionally struggle with its cutting fluid consumption. A large UK-based aerospace components manufacturer that performs milling, turning and grinding operations experienced this firsthand. Their location houses over 100 machines that work with a range of materials, including aluminium, steel, titanium and Inconel. Along with achieving performance objectives, they also needed to meet local and internal health, safety and environmental standards.
Aircraft Components Manufacturer Reduces Coolant Usage by 50% with Master Fluid Solutions™
A U.S.-based aircraft components manufacturer that produces fuselages, pylons, nacelles and wing elements for commercial and defence aircraft needed to find ways to improve productivity in their plants and decrease costs. They operate multiple facilities globally and provide critical parts to several well-known aircraft manufacturers.
Precision Motion Control Manufacturer Improves Sump Life 4x with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT
A Precision Motion Control Manufacturer faced challenges with a competitor's coolant, including short sump life, foul odours and inadequate protection for alloys. After consulting with Master Fluid Solutions™, they switched to TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT, which significantly improved machining operations by extending sump life to two years, eliminating odours and enhancing protection for sensitive alloys, leading to increased product quality and a strong partnership with Master Fluid Solutions.
UK Aerospace Manufacturer Cuts Fluid Consumption by 36% with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT
The customer is a UK-based aerospace manufacturer that specialises in component production. After a long partnership with their previous cutting fluid supplier, the company began searching for alternatives when managers realised their coolant was the cause of many deteriorating conditions on the shop floor.
Aerospace Components Manufacturer Reduces Consumption with Master Fluid Solutions™
Even a company with decades in the industry will occasionally struggle with its cutting fluid consumption. A large UK-based aerospace components manufacturer that performs milling, turning and grinding operations experienced this firsthand. Their location houses over 100 machines that work with a range of materials, including aluminium, steel, titanium and Inconel. Along with achieving performance objectives, they also needed to meet local and internal health, safety and environmental standards.
Aircraft Components Manufacturer Reduces Coolant Usage by 50% with Master Fluid Solutions™
A U.S.-based aircraft components manufacturer that produces fuselages, pylons, nacelles and wing elements for commercial and defence aircraft needed to find ways to improve productivity in their plants and decrease costs. They operate multiple facilities globally and provide critical parts to several well-known aircraft manufacturers.
Precision Motion Control Manufacturer Improves Sump Life 4x with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT
A Precision Motion Control Manufacturer faced challenges with a competitor's coolant, including short sump life, foul odours and inadequate protection for alloys. After consulting with Master Fluid Solutions™, they switched to TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT, which significantly improved machining operations by extending sump life to two years, eliminating odours and enhancing protection for sensitive alloys, leading to increased product quality and a strong partnership with Master Fluid Solutions.
UK Aerospace Manufacturer Cuts Fluid Consumption by 36% with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT
The customer is a UK-based aerospace manufacturer that specialises in component production. After a long partnership with their previous cutting fluid supplier, the company began searching for alternatives when managers realised their coolant was the cause of many deteriorating conditions on the shop floor.
Aerospace Components Manufacturer Reduces Consumption with Master Fluid Solutions™
Even a company with decades in the industry will occasionally struggle with its cutting fluid consumption. A large UK-based aerospace components manufacturer that performs milling, turning and grinding operations experienced this firsthand. Their location houses over 100 machines that work with a range of materials, including aluminium, steel, titanium and Inconel. Along with achieving performance objectives, they also needed to meet local and internal health, safety and environmental standards.
Aircraft Components Manufacturer Reduces Coolant Usage by 50% with Master Fluid Solutions™
A U.S.-based aircraft components manufacturer that produces fuselages, pylons, nacelles and wing elements for commercial and defence aircraft needed to find ways to improve productivity in their plants and decrease costs. They operate multiple facilities globally and provide critical parts to several well-known aircraft manufacturers.