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Case Studies


Aerospace and Defence Manufacturer Cuts Cycle Time by 2 Hours per Part with TRIM™ OE310 NS
Since 1959, the customer has been one of Southern California’s leading manufacturers of complex machined parts for the aerospace, defence and semiconductor industries. They specialise in producing assemblies and kits for their clients, as well as offering contract manufacturing services.
Aircraft Components Manufacturer Reduces Coolant Usage by 50% with Master Fluid Solutions™
A U.S.-based aircraft components manufacturer that produces fuselages, pylons, nacelles and wing elements for commercial and defence aircraft needed to find ways to improve productivity in their plants and decrease costs. They operate multiple facilities globally and provide critical parts to several well-known aircraft manufacturers.
Precision Machining Operation Doubled Productivity with TRIM™ HyperSol™ 888NXT
For over two decades, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer has provided precision machining services in the aerospace, defence and medical industries, as well as for global original equipment manufacturers (OEM). The manufacturer excels at short- and long-run production, making high-quality prototypes for various engineering projects.
Precision Motion Control Manufacturer Improves Sump Life 4x with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT
A Precision Motion Control Manufacturer faced challenges with a competitor's coolant, including short sump life, foul odours and inadequate protection for alloys. After consulting with Master Fluid Solutions™, they switched to TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT, which significantly improved machining operations by extending sump life to two years, eliminating odours and enhancing protection for sensitive alloys, leading to increased product quality and a strong partnership with Master Fluid Solutions.
Precision Stamping Manufacturer Cuts Tooling Costs by 67% with HyperSol™ 888NXT
A precision stamping manufacturer for the automotive, aerospace and defence industries designs and builds progressive dies in their facility in California. They use these dies to produce high-quality, customised stampings for clients.
Aerospace and Defence Manufacturer Cuts Cycle Time by 2 Hours per Part with TRIM™ OE310 NS
Since 1959, the customer has been one of Southern California’s leading manufacturers of complex machined parts for the aerospace, defence and semiconductor industries. They specialise in producing assemblies and kits for their clients, as well as offering contract manufacturing services.
Aircraft Components Manufacturer Reduces Coolant Usage by 50% with Master Fluid Solutions™
A U.S.-based aircraft components manufacturer that produces fuselages, pylons, nacelles and wing elements for commercial and defence aircraft needed to find ways to improve productivity in their plants and decrease costs. They operate multiple facilities globally and provide critical parts to several well-known aircraft manufacturers.
Precision Machining Operation Doubled Productivity with TRIM™ HyperSol™ 888NXT
For over two decades, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer has provided precision machining services in the aerospace, defence and medical industries, as well as for global original equipment manufacturers (OEM). The manufacturer excels at short- and long-run production, making high-quality prototypes for various engineering projects.
Precision Motion Control Manufacturer Improves Sump Life 4x with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT
A Precision Motion Control Manufacturer faced challenges with a competitor's coolant, including short sump life, foul odours and inadequate protection for alloys. After consulting with Master Fluid Solutions™, they switched to TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT, which significantly improved machining operations by extending sump life to two years, eliminating odours and enhancing protection for sensitive alloys, leading to increased product quality and a strong partnership with Master Fluid Solutions.
Precision Stamping Manufacturer Cuts Tooling Costs by 67% with HyperSol™ 888NXT
A precision stamping manufacturer for the automotive, aerospace and defence industries designs and builds progressive dies in their facility in California. They use these dies to produce high-quality, customised stampings for clients.
Aerospace and Defence Manufacturer Cuts Cycle Time by 2 Hours per Part with TRIM™ OE310 NS
Since 1959, the customer has been one of Southern California’s leading manufacturers of complex machined parts for the aerospace, defence and semiconductor industries. They specialise in producing assemblies and kits for their clients, as well as offering contract manufacturing services.
Aircraft Components Manufacturer Reduces Coolant Usage by 50% with Master Fluid Solutions™
A U.S.-based aircraft components manufacturer that produces fuselages, pylons, nacelles and wing elements for commercial and defence aircraft needed to find ways to improve productivity in their plants and decrease costs. They operate multiple facilities globally and provide critical parts to several well-known aircraft manufacturers.
Precision Machining Operation Doubled Productivity with TRIM™ HyperSol™ 888NXT
For over two decades, a Silicon Valley-based manufacturer has provided precision machining services in the aerospace, defence and medical industries, as well as for global original equipment manufacturers (OEM). The manufacturer excels at short- and long-run production, making high-quality prototypes for various engineering projects.
Precision Motion Control Manufacturer Improves Sump Life 4x with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT
A Precision Motion Control Manufacturer faced challenges with a competitor's coolant, including short sump life, foul odours and inadequate protection for alloys. After consulting with Master Fluid Solutions™, they switched to TRIM™ MicroSol™ 590XT, which significantly improved machining operations by extending sump life to two years, eliminating odours and enhancing protection for sensitive alloys, leading to increased product quality and a strong partnership with Master Fluid Solutions.
Precision Stamping Manufacturer Cuts Tooling Costs by 67% with HyperSol™ 888NXT
A precision stamping manufacturer for the automotive, aerospace and defence industries designs and builds progressive dies in their facility in California. They use these dies to produce high-quality, customised stampings for clients.