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Logo - WEDOLiT<sup>®</sup>, teal-red
Logo - WEDOLiT<sup>®</sup>, teal-red
WEDOLiT® AS 1012

Dewatering-fluid 40°C flash point


WEDOLiT AS 1012 is a dewatering fluid with corrosion protection properties. It uses surface-active substances to displace both water and emulsions from the metal surface extremely quick. Even highly complex geometries can efficiently be dewatered. It is mainly used as an immersion bath at room temperature.

  • Due to its strong dewatering effect, residues of flushing water or water containing fluids including emulsions or synthetic coolants are removed from the metal surface
  • After evaporation of the solvent, a thin, non-adhesive protective film remains on the surface, which offers corrosion protection for short-term intermediate storage
  • Water/emulsions that enter the bath will settle after a short period on the bottom of the tank and can be drained off
  • Development of a clear phase boundary between the water and the product, without forming an emulsion phase
  • Due to its extreme dewatering properties, the product is ideal for workpieces that are additionally packaged with VCI foils
  • Excellent bath-life
  • Additive loss due to water contact: None

WEDOLiT® AS 1012   
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