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Technical Bulletins

Our technical bulletin series provides concise descriptions of metalworking issues, step-by-step guidelines to provide solutions to these issues and practical information that will help you better understand the role of metalworking fluid in your shop.

We actively solicit your input on improving our Technical Bulletins and what other subjects we should cover. If you have questions, suggestions or just want to tell us what you think, drop us a line at [email protected].

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Tramp oils in a metalworking system are major contributors to metalworking fluid failure and enter the machine from a number of sources. Generally speaking, the amount of damage done to a system by the presence of tramp oil is directly proportional to how much tramp oil gets into the system, how long it stays in the system, and how tightly it is held in the system. Read our technical bulletin to learn some tools and techniques to remove tramp oil from a machine!