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Anti Corrosion - Water Miscible Fluids

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WEDOLiT® AW 8321 (K 110)

Water-miscible High-performance Fluid

WEDOLiT AW 8321 is universally applicable for parts cleaning and corrosion protection. This mineral oil based product is not only suitable for steel, but also for non-ferrous metals. Utilising the latest technology, AW 8321 offers the possibility for a boron and formaldehyde free application.

  • The product forms a stable emulsion, regardless of the concentration. Due to the electrolyte and temperature stability, an application in heated baths is possible (recommended temperature 60 - 80°C)
  • Even at high temperatures the product is stable against contaminations (e.g. sodium sulfonates or phosphates)
  • Easily removable with solvents or alkaline industrial cleaners
  • For the corrosion protection it´s important that treated parts are completely dry before packaging. Dependent on the concentration a minimal to slightly noticeable film is formed on the metal surface
  • Very good compatibility with VCI foils
  • Outstanding material compatibility (even at higher concentration)