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WEDOLiT FN 1872-50
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Logo - WEDOLiT<sup>®</sup>, teal-red
WEDOLiT®™ FN 1872-50

Reactive drawing oil


WEDOLiT FN 1872-50 is a water-insoluble, reactive drawing oil, based on special phosphoric acid esters, which creates an iron phosphate layer on iron and steel parts. The product is free of chlorine, sulphur or nitrites.

  • The product is used in a heated bath with a temperature of TBath = 60°C ± 5°C
  • After 10 - 15 min, a sufficient film should have been developed on the tube surface (residues of lime- or carbon deposits must be removed preliminary)
  • It is important to keep the water content in the product at a value of 1 - 1.7%, to form uniform phosphate layers on the tube surface
  • The product offers a short-term corrosion protection (max. a few days)
  • The pipes can be cleaned after drawing with alkaline cleaners, solvents or bright annealing

WEDOLiT®™ FN 1872-50   
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