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Logo - TRIM™ wrapped with Metalworking Fluids and Master Fluid Solutions, teal
Logo - TRIM™ wrapped with Metalworking Fluids and Master Fluid Solutions, teal
TRIM® E850

Premium Emulsion

TRIM<sup>®</sup> E850 - 5 gallon pail


TRIM E850 is a proprietary blend of new vegetable-based technology and premium traditional lubricity additives to yield a very high performance, low management metal removal fluid. This premium emulsion product is robust enough to deliver extended useful life and avoid rancid odours normally associated with traditional emulsions. The optimised lubricity and extreme pressure package delivers exceptional surface finish and tool life on difficult to machine aluminium alloys, inconel, titanium, stainless and high tensile strength steels.

  • Delivers exceptional lubricity
  • Very long sump life and low carry-off rates result in low operating cost
  • Low foam even in soft water areas
  • Hard water tolerant
  • Non-chlorinated and non-sulphurised extreme pressure (EP) additives control built-up edge (BUE) in tough operations on aerospace materials
  • Compatible with all materials excluding magnesium
  • Easily recycled or disposed of without special handling or equipment
  • Will run effectively for long periods without the need for costly additives

TRIM® E850   
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