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WEDOLiT CN 8250-2
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Logo - WEDOLiT<sup>®</sup>, teal-red
Logo - WEDOLiT<sup>®</sup>, teal-red
WEDOLiT® CN 8250-2

Minimum quantity lubricant


WEDOLiT CN 8250-2 is a volatilizing high-performance lubricant, designed for use in all types of low and minimum quantity lubrication systems for milling, sawing, thread cutting and cold forming applications of non-ferrous metals

  • High pressure absorption capacity as well as excellent wetting and lubricating effect
  • No gumming and sticking
  • Reduces build-up of material on steels with a low carbon content
  • The excellent cooling and lubricating properties lead to a significant increase in service life of tools and to high dimensional accuracy of workpieces
  • Ensures extremely economical use
  • Can be easily and safely removed by spray, immersion and ultrasonic cleaning with neutral or alkaline industrial cleaners or with organic solvents

WEDOLiT® CN 8250-2   
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