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Logo - WEDOLiT<sup>®</sup>, teal-red
Logo - WEDOLiT<sup>®</sup>, teal-red
WEDOLiT® AS 2603

High-Protection-Waxdispersion-Fluid 40°C flash point


WEDOLiT AS 2603 is a universal, solvent-containing, long-term corrosion protection. It contains a newly formulated thixotropic wax dispersion, which allows a long period of protection under covered storage as well as a limited storage period for outdoor storage. It can be applied by spraying, flooding, brushing or rolling.

  • Ideal for overseas transport
  • Suitable for VCI-foils: The full corrosion protection is only given in the solvent-free film, therefore a short storage time until the solvent evaporates must be observed especially before packing in boxes with foils
  • After the evaporation of the solvent (quick drying time), a waxy, light-coloured, non-adhesive and non-dust-binding, age-resistant protective film is formed on the treated surface
  • Good protection for outdoor storage
  • It´s recommended to homogenise the product before use or after a longer storage period
  • Protection against atmospheric contaminations such as dissolved gases that cannot penetrate the protective film (water vapour permeability)

WEDOLiT® AS 2603   
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