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Logo - WEDOLiT<sup>®</sup>, teal-red
Logo - WEDOLiT<sup>®</sup>, teal-red
WEDOLiT® AN 7114

High-Protection-DW-Fluid 120°C flash point


WEDOLiT AN-7114 is a leading edge corrosion inhibitor for steel and other metals, which offers long-term protection for indoor storage. Its low viscosity allows it to be used as an immersion bath, e.g. for the treatment of hollow parts. It can also be applied by spraying, flooding or by means of rollers.

WEDOLiT AN-7114 fulfills all requirements regarding Altautorichtlinie 2000/53/EG. It is not subject to the German VOC-regulation (VOC-guideline, 31. BImSchV) nor to the Swiss regulation for VOC (Lenkungsabgabe VOCV Swiss).

  • Ideal compatibility with VCI-foils
  • Stable against acidic and alkaline contamination
  • Good material compatibility
  • Water displacing with very good wetting behaviour
  • Easily removable with organic solvents (cold cleaners) or water-miscible alkaline industrial cleaners
  • Additive loss due to water contact: Low

WEDOLiT® AN 7114   
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