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Master Fluid Solutions® Joins Germany’s AMB International Exhibition for First Time


After two years of pandemic restrictions and remote working, Master Fluid Solutions® has spent 2022 reconnecting with customers, distributors and the metalworking community. Now, this is happening on both domestic and international fronts.

Master Fluid Solutions’ return to the International Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago after a four-year hiatus was announced in June. The event will be held September 12 to 17 at McCormick Place, with the company exhibiting new products and hosting its signature private party. What’s more, the company will also be participating in another leading trade show in Europe at the same time.

For the first time ever, Master Fluid Solutions will be exhibiting at AMB International Exhibition for Metalworking, taking place at The Messe in Stuttgart, Germany from September 13 to 17.

About the AMB International Exhibition for Metalworking

Since 1982, AMB has convened every two years to present the latest advancements and innovations in the international metalworking community. The expo invites exhibitors to showcase their latest machinery, concepts, products and services to other industry insiders and metalworking enthusiasts alike. AMB functions as an opportunity to network, a place to learn about the latest techniques and technology, and a marketplace for manufacturing goods and services.

The event features more than 1.29 million square feet of exhibition space, making it one of the largest metalworking expos in the world. Exhibition space is divided thematically to showcase metalworking machinery, the latest advancements in robotics, workpiece and tool handling equipment, multi-removal machinery, precision tools, industrial software, new parts, components and accessories, and, of course, the latest developments in metalworking fluids.

Establishing a New Era for Master Fluid Solutions

AMB is located not far from Master Fluid Solutions’ new European headquarters in Düsseldorf, Germany, established after the acquisition of the WEDOLiT™ brand of cold forming fluids, tube and pipe manufacturing products and corrosion inhibitors back in 2019.

“After several years of disruption, this is our first opportunity to really make connections to both the local and global metalworking community,” says Dr. Martin Walter, European Managing Director for Master Fluid Solutions WDG GmbH. “We are eager to solidify our expanded presence in the European market.”

The Master Fluid Solutions booth will feature three themes, which reflect some of the primary company values:

1. Empowerment

The incredible range and quality of products, from TRIM® to WEDOLiT™, enables manufacturers across a wide variety of industries to achieve higher levels of efficiency, throughput, and part quality than ever before. And with more than 100 aerospace approvals across the Master Fluid Solutions catalog, the products have empowered the aerospace sector to recover more quickly from the challenges of the past two years.

2. Sustainability

Since the beginning, Master Fluid Solutions has been committed to conservation and waste-reduction, actually inventing the first fluid recycling system. The company’s advanced products dramatically extend fluid and tool life, reducing waste, time and costs. And now, with TRIM HyperSol™ 888NXT, Master Fluid Solutions is offering its first bio-based cutting fluid with one of the highest sustainability profiles. The WEDOLiT portfolio also offers new and innovative products such as ester-based and high flash point corrosion protection and high technology fast dewatering products.

3. Trust

Established more than 70 years ago, Master Fluid Solutions’ close partnership and trust with customers has helped it grow into a global brand with more than 20,000 customers worldwide. 

The AMB International Exhibition for Metalworking will be held at The Messe in Stuttgart, Germany from September 13 to 17. Visit the Master Fluid Solutions booth at stand number 5C73 in Hall 5. You can claim a free ticket for the event here.

To learn more about Master Fluid Solutions’ new products, call +49 211 41 72 82 00 or email us at [email protected].

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