Oil/Water Separators were developed by Master Fluid Solutions to extend coolant life and to reduce the harmful effects of tramp oil contamination on water-miscible fluids such as poor tool life and finishes, corrosion, dermatitis, and fluid rancidity.
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Committed today for a greener tomorrow.
Master Coalescer Jr packs the punch to add up to BIG savings.
A low-cost, smaller yet effective, tramp oil separator: Master Coalescer Jr.™ Compact and affordable, Master Coalescer Jr processes machine tool coolants to remove tramp oils and fines and provide clean, reusable coolant – paying for itself with extended coolant and tool life, improved machinability, and reduced maintenance.
Extremely efficient, "Junior" offers:
Tramp oil is a major source of problems associated with water miscible cutting and grinding fluids.
Tramp oil contributes to the growth and formation of:
These problems result in:
Numerous devices ("floating ropes," wheels, and belts) have been developed over the years to remove "free floating" tramp oil from the surface of coolant. While they have all worked to one degree or another, they generally have been either "troublesome," high maintenance, relatively ineffective, or able to operate only on limited liquid level fluctuations.
As a "belt-type" skimmer, these units are effective in removing floating oil from widely fluctuating liquid levels of coolants or parts washing solutions. The SCROUNGER features a revolutionary new oleophilic belt and a totally new concept of stripping the separated oil from the belt. The SCROUNGER Jr. uses the same "oil loving" belt, but uses a more compact scraper blade to strip the separated oil from the belt.