High-performance, low-maintenance coalescer removes tramp oil while machine is running
Master Coalescer Jr packs the punch to add up to BIG savings.
A low-cost, smaller yet effective, tramp oil separator: Master Coalescer Jr.™ Compact and affordable, Master Coalescer Jr processes machine tool coolants to remove tramp oils and fines and provide clean, reusable coolant – paying for itself with extended coolant and tool life, improved machinability, and reduced maintenance.
Extremely efficient, "Junior" offers:
You'll like ";Hank" and "CJ." They may not sound like experts, but they know how to clean machines — inside and out. And while they won't bore you with the process, they don't skip any steps, either. As a result the 2002 edition of Master fluid Solutions' Machine Cleaning video is instructive, slightly irreverent and completely unorthodox. You'd better request your copy — now!
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