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Technical Bulletins

Our technical bulletin series provides concise descriptions of metalworking issues, step-by-step guidelines to provide solutions to these issues, and practical information that will help you better understand the role of metalworking fluid in your shop.

We actively solicit your input on improving our Technical Bulletins and what other subjects we should cover. If you have questions, suggestions, or just want to tell us what you think, drop us a line at [email protected].

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Controlling the growth of bacteria and fungi in metalworking fluids is an ongoing concern for businesses. Since bacteria and fungi live primarily in the buildup on the floor and walls of the sump, good cleaning practices are a cornerstone of machine tool sump maintenance.

The window into fully enclosed modern machine tools is there to let you check inside while keeping the enclosure sealed. The selection process when choosing a material for the window should involve care and consideration. Read our technical bulletin to find the pros and cons of different materials for your machine tool's window!