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Positive Displacement Proportioner

The HYDRO-BLEND 6180 is a water-driven, positive displacement proportioner, which dispenses coolant on demand at the desired concentration.

  • Concentration control
  • Reduces concentrate waste
  • Easy to install
  • Reliable and consistent
  • Nonelectrical
  • Adjustable

Reversible LIQUI-VAC™

For Sump Cleaning

Removing spent coolants, waste fluids, or oils from machine sumps, reservoirs, or storage tanks is usually just plain bothersome. Inexpensive vacuums will not do a satisfactory job, are quite loud, and are not built for the industrial environment. Now, the Reversible LIQUI-VAC™ provides the solution to your sump cleaning problems. It is small enough to fit in your hand, yet it sucks up tramp oils, used oils, and waste coolants fast and simple. This unit will also discharge fluids out of the drum into a separate container if desired with just the turn of a knob.


  • operates on shop air
  • attaches to small bung on a standard drum
  • has one moving part
  • requires no maintenance
  • has whisper quiet exhaust

The Reversible LIQUI-VAC™ comes in a kit that includes everything you need to start using it the very first day. The standard kit includes:

  • venturi unit
  • 1" x 10' (38mm. X 3 mL) suction hose
  • drum standpipe adapter
  • quick disconnect fittings
  • air control valve
  • safety shut-off valve
  • aluminum wand

Mini TOT™ Tramp Oil Terminator™

Portable Centrifuge

The Mini TOT is a compact, portable, high-speed centrifuge, tramp oil separator that is perfect for small metalworking plants.

The Mini TOT processes watermiscible coolants and aqueous cleaners, removing free and emulsified tramp oil to produce clean, reusable coolant and cleaners. Removing tramp oil (hydraulic oil, way lubes, or any undesirable oil) from coolant and cleaners eliminates a food source for bacteria, reduces undesirable residues, and reduces smoke and oil mist in the shop atmosphere.

  • compact and portable for machine tool sumps and parts washers
  • simple operation
  • high-speed, disc-bowl centrifuge
  • stainless steel bowl
  • built-in clean fluid centripetal discharge pump
  • easy dismantling of bowl for cleaning
  • quick disconnects on feed and discharge
  • strainer and 50-micron cleanable prefilter
  • air pump and floating skimmer for feed
  • automatic shut-off when tramp oil collection tank is full

  • MISCO Palm Abbe™ Digital Refractometer

    Laboratory Precision in the Palm of Your Hand!

    The new Palm Abbe is a fourth-generation digital handheld refractometer that puts laboratory precision in the palm of your hand. Not just laboratory precision, but laboratory precision for the price of a traditional analog refractometer. It is exactly the kind of bold, cutting-edge technology you would expect from MISCO, the company that pioneered the digital handheld refractometer.

    The Palm Abbe refractometer is fast, convenient, and easy to use. Simply place a drop or two of fluid in the titanium well and press a button. The custom-designed microprocessor delivers a nearly instantaneous readout in degrees Brix. Nonlinear temperature compensation is automatic and insures that fluids read between 0°C and 50°C (32°F to 122°F) are measured accurately.

    The large LCD display is easily read, even in dim light, and removes the subjectivity associated with interpreting where a boundary line crosses tiny scale divisions. And, it is so easy to use! The user interface consists of two buttons, one to take readings and the other to step through various menu options.

    Calibration is automatic and does not require the use of special calibration solutions, or tools. The Palm Abbe refractometer automatically calibrates itself to water and is ready to use in seconds. No more screws to turn and nothing to adjust.

    Tramp Oil Terminator™

    Portable Centrifuge Unit for Removing Emulsified Tramp Oils

    Developed to meet the needs of the small metalworking plant for a compact, portable, high-speed centrifuge, tramp oil separator, the Tramp Oil Terminator™ will process both water-miscible coolants and aqueous cleaners to remove free and emulsified tramp oils, providing clean and reusable coolants and cleaners. Removing tramp oils (hydraulic oils, way lubes or any undesirable oil) from coolants and cleaners removes a food source for bacteria, reduces undesirable residues, and reduces smoke and oil mist in the shop atmosphere.


    • Extended life of coolants and cleaners
    • Improved machining
    • Longer tool life


    • Compact and portable for machine tool sumps and parts washers
    • Simple operation
    • High-speed, disc-bowl centrifuge
    • Stainless-steel hood and bowl
    • Built-in clean fluid centripetal discharge pump
    • Easy dismantling of bowl for cleaning
    • Quick disconnects on feed and discharge
    • Strainer and 50 micron cleanable pre-filter
    • Air pump and floating skimmer for feed
    • Automatic shut off when tramp oil collection tank is full

    XYBEX™ ChipOut™

    Chip & Sludge Remover

    A perfect match-up with the PurifierPlus is the XYBEX ChipOut. It is also a compact, easy-to-use, affordable solution for optimizing production. It simply and effectively sucks out the coolant, chips, and swarf to collect and filter all solid impurities and return clean coolant to the tank.

    Get the most from your coolant with ChipOut. It literally pays for itself in no time with significant cost savings.

    XYBEX ChipOut
    • Separates surface debris, bottom chips and swarf, and sediment from coolant
    • Extends coolant life
    • Improves surface finish on parts
    • Reduces maintenance
    • Uses diaphram pump air pressure, no electricity required
    • High suction power, flow rate of 180 liters/min
    • Runs during production without shutting off machine tools
    • Adjustable stainless steel filters: standard mesh 380 microns; optional: 830 microns and 180 microns
    • Optional floating device for maximum tramp oil collection
    • Portable and easy to use with multiple machines
    • Operates with water-soluble coolants or neet oils
    Cost effective ChipOut adds up to big savings
    • Reduces annual coolant cost
    • Reduces expensive parts rejects
    • Reduces maintenance to a minimum

    XYBEX™ ChipOut Plus™

    Magnetic Centrifugal Sludge & Chip Remover

    Looking for a fast, affordable way to have longer coolant life, reduce maintenance, and achieve better machinability and surface finish? Hardworking ChipOut Plus delivers all that and more in a compact, portable system that can hook up to machines throughout the shop.

    It does double time, as both a centrifugal and magnetic separator for water-based cutting fluids or neat oils. It’s simple to use, powerful, and efficient.

    First, the suction hose draws in the liquid and impurities. The filtration bucket traps large impurities before the sludge-containing fluid enters the centrifugal separator where fine particles are separated out by centrifugal force. The sludge then enters the powerful magnetic separator which efficiently removes magnetic metallic shavings and particles. Just like its name implies, it takes out chips - plus more!

    XYBEX ChipOut Plus
    • Separates surface debris, magnetic dust and shavings, chips, swarf, and sediment from coolant
    • Extends coolant life
    • Improves surface finish on parts
    • Reduces maintenance
    • Separates using centrifugal and magnetic force
    • Provides extremely fine filtration
    • No need to stop the machine
    • Quick filtration, easy to operate
    • Portable, use with multiple machines
    • No consumables needed
    Use hardworking, cost effective ChipOut Plus to reduce costs and build profits
    Save time and build up profits with ChipOut Plus.
    • Reduces annual coolant cost
    • Reduces maintenance and manpower
    • Reduces costly parts rejects

    XYBEX™ Master Blend

    Peak Performance Unleashed with Venturi Mixer!

    Optimize Performance: XYBEX™ Master Blend Venturi Coolant Mixer!

    • Built to last with high durability: crafted from billet 6061 Aluminum
    • Chemically resistant surface treatment ensures longevity
    • Enhanced control with a double-lock dial system
    • Versatile mounting options: compatible with both drums and pails
    • Suited for metalworking fluids, including soluble and semi-synthetic
    • Ensures precision and consistency in concentration mixtures
    • Powered by water, eliminating the need for electricity
    • Minimized downtime for increased productivity

    XYBEX™ Master Vac

    Boost Productivity with Fast Tramp Oil & Coolant Waste Removal

    Discover the XYBEX™ Master Vac: Your Ultimate Solution for Effortless Fluid Removal and Refill!

    • Powered by pneumatic compressed air for seamless operation
    • Engineered to fit standard 205L drums, ensuring compatibility
    • Experience whisper-quiet performance with minimal maintenance requirements
    • Achieve unparalleled efficiency with a high suction rate of 45L/MIN at 50 PSI

    Upgrade your operations today with the XYBEX Master Vac!

    XYBEX™ PurifierPlus™

    Cutting Fluid Purifying System

    The portable, cost-effective XYBEX PurifierPlus system pays for itself with material cost savings, reduced downtime and recycling costs. Not only does it enhance production and make the workplace cleaner, it also is better for employee health and the environment.

    Unlike units which simply separate machine tramp oil (the unwanted byproduct of the machining/metalworking process) from coolant, PurifierPlus has an ozone disinfection function which kills bacteria. Not only is the coolant cleaned and lasts longer, it’s purified and reused, and the subsequent problematic stench from bacteria and fungal growth is eliminated.

    Improve production, reduce costs, and experience a cleaner workplace with PurifierPlus.

    XYBEX PurifierPlus
    • Separates free tramp oil and extends coolant life
    • Reduces tool wear and costly parts rejects
    • Easy to use with a handy set-timer to operate on its own
    • Adjustable flow rate filter from 10 to 30 liters/hr
    • Kills bacteria (for best results run 1 hour for each 100 liters in sump; ozone function disinfects at 500 mg/hr)
    • Built-in pH detector (optional) adjusts pH to control range
    • Portable for use on multiple machines in the facility
    PurifierPlus quickly pays for itself in savings
    • Saves 10% to 25% on annual coolant cost
    • Saves 30% to 50% on additional water cost
    • Saves 10% to 25% on tooling costs and part reworks
    • Reduces clean-up time 60% to 80% annually

    Yellow Bellied Sump Sucker™ Li'l Sucker™

    The Li'l Sucker™ is the newest addition to the Yellow Bellied Sump Sucker™ line of sump cleaning vacuums. Based on extensive customer research and extended field trial experience, customers were able to tell us what they liked, disliked, felt had no value, and would change in the previous designs. The result was the Yellow Bellied Sump Sucker that customers designed. It is durable, highly maneuverable, easy to use, and provides exceptional suction and discharge flow rates.

    • Removes the coolant, sludge, and chips from the sump
    • Filters the sludge and chips from the fluid
    • Returns filtered coolant to the machine tool sump, or
    • Transports the coolant to waste treatment for disposal, or to a XYBEX Recycling System for recycling


    • Tank capacity of 50 gallons (190 liters)
    • Suction rate up to 85 GPM (320 LPM)
    • Discharge rate up to 40 GPM (150 LPM)
    • 1.6 ft3 (45 dm3) chip basket holding capacity, roughly 12 gallons (45 liters)
    • Available in both air venturi and electric models
    • 120 VAC, single phase, 50 Hz/60 Hz electric model standard
    • 220 VAC, single phase, 50 Hz/60 Hz electric model optional
    • Complete with hoses and straight cleaning tool
    • Optional cleaning tools available
    • Perfect for today's smaller machine tool sumps