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Master STAGES CLEAN IP 2019s
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Master STAGES™ CLEAN IP 2019s

Silicated Low-foam Cleaner

Master STAGES™ CLEAN IP 2019s - 5 gallon pail


Master STAGES™ CLEAN IP 2019s is a very low-foaming, liquid, cleaning concentrate designed to remove straight oils and coolants from steel, cast iron, and most aluminum parts.

  • An excellent cleaner and very economical to use
  • Compatible with aluminum, cast iron, and steel alloys
  • Rejects oil for easy skimming or centrifuging to extend bath life
  • Nonfoaming at high-pressure in a spray washer and vibratory deburring machines even at room temperature
  • Provides flash corrosion inhibition and up to two weeks of short-term, dry, in-process corrosion inhibition

Master STAGES™ CLEAN IP 2019s   
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