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How to Choose the Right Cutting Fluid Supplier


In many ways, cutting fluid is the unsung hero of metalworking operations, directly impacting throughput, finish quality, tool life, and operator acceptance. Choosing the right cutting fluid — and properly maintaining it — can completely transform your business, and even increase profit.

But as important as choosing the right fluid for your operation is, so is choosing the right coolant supplier. The manufacturer can offer guidance about using their products, which can help improve performance even more and result in higher levels of efficiency.

What to Look for in a Cutting Fluid Manufacturer

The cutting fluids market comprises thousands of companies across the world and is expected to reach a global value of $11.6 billion (USD) by 2027. How do you find the best supplier for you among all of those options? Choose a supplier who is also a partner. Here are some questions to consider when looking for potential partners:

What Is Their Reputation?

Not all cutting fluids are the same — nor are the manufacturers that produce them. Look for cutting fluid manufacturers that have a long history and established reputation. Ask contacts at other shops what they think of the brand you’re considering. What is the quality of their products like? Are they easy to work with? With the right questions, you’ll gain valuable insight into whether a supplier is right for you.

Are They an Innovative Fluid Manufacturer?

Cutting fluid technology is constantly improving, but not all manufacturers are releasing cutting-edge products that incorporate the latest advancements. If the fluid manufacturer you rely on isn’t pushing the envelope with their products, your shop may not be running as efficiently as possible. Look for a coolant manufacturer that regularly releases new, increasingly advanced products and improves overall industry standards.

Do They Have Industry and OEM Approvals?

When leading manufacturers approve a cutting fluid for use in their supply chain, it marks that specific fluid as one of the most advanced and rigorously tested in the world. Fluid manufacturers that have many approvals invest in the research, development, and stringent quality controls needed to achieve and maintain those approvals. These fluid companies have a reputation and higher quality standard to uphold throughout their catalog. A coolant supplier with multiple approvals is invested in the long-term success of both their own company and their customers’ businesses.

Do They Support Cutting Fluid Maintenance?

Even the highest quality and most optimized cutting fluid will need regular maintenance to continue performing effectively. Look for a supplier that not only helps you choose the best fluid for your shop, but also works with you to establish a regular maintenance protocol and monitor results. In many ways, cutting fluid can make or break the success of your machine shop. Look for a coolant manufacturer that helps you make the most of it.

How Many Products Do They Offer?

When a fluid manufacturer offers a wide array of coolants, it illustrates a level of expertise, credibility, and leadership in the field that shouldn’t be ignored. A catalog of highly specialized products also increases the chances of finding a solution that matches your operation’s specific needs. Manufacturers that offer additional product categories like cleaning solutions bring the added value of consolidating vendors.

Are They Committed to Sustainability?

Consumer awareness and stringent government regulations regarding sustainability are increasing pressure across the entire supply chain to use more eco-friendly ingredients and production methods. Look for a coolant manufacturer that already offers products made with biobased ingredients or has government sustainability certifications.

The Master Fluid Solutions® Difference


Master Fluid Solutions™ brings more than 70 years of innovation to the metalworking fluids industry. With high-quality cutting fluids compatible with every type of operation and material, including additive manufacturing, the company is also a leader in cleaning solutions, tube and pipe forming, and even invented the practice of fluid recycling. To learn more about products or how we can partner with your company, please contact us at [email protected].

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