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Case Studies

Automotive Components Manufacturer Reduces Cleaning Costs by 30% with Master STAGES™ CLEAN 2029 and Task2™ GF
A ground-breaking automotive components manufacturer and supplier based in India was consuming high volumes of cleaner and was still unable to clean the grease and residue from parts. That was until they made the switch to Master STAGES CLEAN 2029 "One Step," which led to impressive results - a significant reduction in cleaner consumption.
Automotive Components Manufacturer Reduces Cleaning Costs by 30% with Master STAGES™ CLEAN 2029 and Task2™ GF
A ground-breaking automotive components manufacturer and supplier based in India was consuming high volumes of cleaner and was still unable to clean the grease and residue from parts. That was until they made the switch to Master STAGES CLEAN 2029 "One Step," which led to impressive results - a significant reduction in cleaner consumption.
Automotive Components Manufacturer Reduces Cleaning Costs by 30% with Master STAGES™ CLEAN 2029 and Task2™ GF
A ground-breaking automotive components manufacturer and supplier based in India was consuming high volumes of cleaner and was still unable to clean the grease and residue from parts. That was until they made the switch to Master STAGES CLEAN 2029 "One Step," which led to impressive results - a significant reduction in cleaner consumption.