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For performance and reliability, rail and transit manufacturers go the distance with trusted Master Fluid Solutions
From cross-country freight to intercity and urban transit, the railways are a region’s lifeline. For heavy-duty, long-lasting components, specify Master Fluid Solutions to ride the rails to improved performance and increased profits.
Case Studies
Railway Precision Forged Parts Manufacturer Improves Tool Life Over 10% with TRIM™ E860
Precision Forged Parts Manufacturer Improves Tool Life Over 10% with TRIM™ E860
Transportation Manufacturer Improves Tool and Coolant Life by 50% with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 687NXT
Precision Forged Parts Manufacturer Improves Tool Life Over 10% with TRIM™ E860
Transportation Manufacturer Improves Tool and Coolant Life by 50% with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 687NXT