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Case Studies

SCROUNGER™ Jr Oil Skimmer

Thai Hard Disk Drive Manufacturer Reduces Waste Costs by 80% with XYBEX™ Coolant Recycling System
The customer is one of the leading manufacturers of hard disk drives in Thailand, specializing in mass-producing disk base plates from die cast aluminum. With decades in the industry, the company has emerged as one of the most important electronics component suppliers in the region.
Thai Hard Disk Drive Manufacturer Reduces Waste Costs by 80% with XYBEX™ Coolant Recycling System
The customer is one of the leading manufacturers of hard disk drives in Thailand, specializing in mass-producing disk base plates from die cast aluminum. With decades in the industry, the company has emerged as one of the most important electronics component suppliers in the region.
Thai Hard Disk Drive Manufacturer Reduces Waste Costs by 80% with XYBEX™ Coolant Recycling System
The customer is one of the leading manufacturers of hard disk drives in Thailand, specializing in mass-producing disk base plates from die cast aluminum. With decades in the industry, the company has emerged as one of the most important electronics component suppliers in the region.