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Case Studies

Arkansas Automotive Products Facility Cuts Costs by 30% with Master Fluid Solutions™
A Heber Springs, Arkansas facility, as part of a global company, focuses on suspension products for the automotive industry using COBAPRESS™, gravity die casting, low-pressure casting, machining, and assembly. The facility works with aluminum alloy.
Industrial Fluid Solutions Expands Customer Offerings with TRIM™ MicroSol™ Products
Wisconsin-based Industrial Fluid Solutions is a metalworking fluid distributor and fluid maintenance service provider that sells to CNC machine shops, die casting companies, mold makers, and heavy equipment manufacturers. Their customers range from small metalworking shops to large equipment and component suppliers in the midwest.
Arkansas Automotive Products Facility Cuts Costs by 30% with Master Fluid Solutions™
A Heber Springs, Arkansas facility, as part of a global company, focuses on suspension products for the automotive industry using COBAPRESS™, gravity die casting, low-pressure casting, machining, and assembly. The facility works with aluminum alloy.
Industrial Fluid Solutions Expands Customer Offerings with TRIM™ MicroSol™ Products
Wisconsin-based Industrial Fluid Solutions is a metalworking fluid distributor and fluid maintenance service provider that sells to CNC machine shops, die casting companies, mold makers, and heavy equipment manufacturers. Their customers range from small metalworking shops to large equipment and component suppliers in the midwest.
Arkansas Automotive Products Facility Cuts Costs by 30% with Master Fluid Solutions™
A Heber Springs, Arkansas facility, as part of a global company, focuses on suspension products for the automotive industry using COBAPRESS™, gravity die casting, low-pressure casting, machining, and assembly. The facility works with aluminum alloy.
Industrial Fluid Solutions Expands Customer Offerings with TRIM™ MicroSol™ Products
Wisconsin-based Industrial Fluid Solutions is a metalworking fluid distributor and fluid maintenance service provider that sells to CNC machine shops, die casting companies, mold makers, and heavy equipment manufacturers. Their customers range from small metalworking shops to large equipment and component suppliers in the midwest.