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TRIM™ Coolant Speeds Up Production of Valuable Compressors Needed to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, medical centers and pharmacies have had an unprecedented need for refrigeration units to help store lab specimens, medications, and vaccines. Therefore, refrigerator manufacturers have required a high volume of compressors on extremely short notice.

The demand has become so high that several companies - including plants based in Asia producing bearings and rollers for rotary compressors - have seen their lead time increase from two to eight weeks, significantly slowing down the production of these life-saving components.
TRIM™ Coolant Speeds Up Production of Valuable Compressors Needed to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, medical centers and pharmacies have had an unprecedented need for refrigeration units to help store lab specimens, medications, and vaccines. Therefore, refrigerator manufacturers have required a high volume of compressors on extremely short notice.

The demand has become so high that several companies - including plants based in Asia producing bearings and rollers for rotary compressors - have seen their lead time increase from two to eight weeks, significantly slowing down the production of these life-saving components.
TRIM™ Coolant Speeds Up Production of Valuable Compressors Needed to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, medical centers and pharmacies have had an unprecedented need for refrigeration units to help store lab specimens, medications, and vaccines. Therefore, refrigerator manufacturers have required a high volume of compressors on extremely short notice.

The demand has become so high that several companies - including plants based in Asia producing bearings and rollers for rotary compressors - have seen their lead time increase from two to eight weeks, significantly slowing down the production of these life-saving components.