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Alloy Wheel

Leading South Asian Alloy Wheel-Maker Reduces Cost per Part by 26% with TRIM™ E709
The customer has emerged as one of the largest aluminum alloy wheel manufacturers in Indonesia. Since 1987, the company has served nearly every globally recognized automotive manufacturer, as well as regional brands in the Southeast Pacific market.
Leading South Asian Alloy Wheel-Maker Reduces Cost per Part by 26% with TRIM™ E709
The customer has emerged as one of the largest aluminum alloy wheel manufacturers in Indonesia. Since 1987, the company has served nearly every globally recognized automotive manufacturer, as well as regional brands in the Southeast Pacific market.
Leading South Asian Alloy Wheel-Maker Reduces Cost per Part by 26% with TRIM™ E709
The customer has emerged as one of the largest aluminum alloy wheel manufacturers in Indonesia. Since 1987, the company has served nearly every globally recognized automotive manufacturer, as well as regional brands in the Southeast Pacific market.