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Driveshaft Manufacturer Drastically Reduces Costs and Filter Bag Use with Master Fluid Solutions™
A quality automotive part, particularly something like a driveshaft, helps ensure that drivers return home safely. In auto repair, both original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and aftermarket parts are used, and these parts need to meet certain specifications regardless of the price paid by the consumer.

A driveshaft manufacturer, who manufactures both OEM and aftermarket driveline components, needs their parts to perform well in commercial and off-road vehicles, as well as in industrial applications.

From their manufacturing headquarters in the Midwest, they conduct turning and milling operations on steel, aluminum, and carbon fiber. The company operates over 50 metalworking machines to manufacture driveshafts, driveline components, and universal joints for OEM automotive, agriculture, and off-road vehicles.
The driveshaft manufacturer was currently using a coolant which had poor sump life and was causing rusting and residue issues. The rusting, in particular, was a big concern for the company, as was the heavy, green residue buildup on tool holders, doors, and walls. They decided to search for a new coolant, hoping to resolve these issues.
TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT was chosen to replace two different coolants that they were using. This is a high-lubricity, semisynthetic, microemulsion coolant that is ideal for a variety of materials, including all the materials commonly used in the manufacturing of driveline components that the manufacturer works with on a daily basis. Additionally, MicroSol 585XT helps inhibit corrosion and keeps the machines clean, leaving only a soft film that can be easily removed during routine cleaning and maintenance.
After switching to MicroSol 585XT in February 2020, the manufacturer immediately noticed a significant reduction in the filter bags they used – down to two per month, from 19 with the previous coolants. Additionally, there was no more heavy, green residue on the machinery or rusting issues.

Due to the success of switching to MicroSol 585XT, the driveshaft manufacturer is planning to test additional products from Master Fluid Solutions. Additionally, the success is proving to be a driving force for many other improvement projects across their metalworking shop floor.
  • 90% reduction in filter bags used
  • 50+ machines in operation
  • 5,000-gallon central system
Driveshaft Manufacturer Drastically Reduces Costs and Filter Bag Use with Master Fluid Solutions™
A quality automotive part, particularly something like a driveshaft, helps ensure that drivers return home safely. In auto repair, both original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and aftermarket parts are used, and these parts need to meet certain specifications regardless of the price paid by the consumer.

A driveshaft manufacturer, who manufactures both OEM and aftermarket driveline components, needs their parts to perform well in commercial and off-road vehicles, as well as in industrial applications.

From their manufacturing headquarters in the Midwest, they conduct turning and milling operations on steel, aluminum, and carbon fiber. The company operates over 50 metalworking machines to manufacture driveshafts, driveline components, and universal joints for OEM automotive, agriculture, and off-road vehicles.
The driveshaft manufacturer was currently using a coolant which had poor sump life and was causing rusting and residue issues. The rusting, in particular, was a big concern for the company, as was the heavy, green residue buildup on tool holders, doors, and walls. They decided to search for a new coolant, hoping to resolve these issues.
TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT was chosen to replace two different coolants that they were using. This is a high-lubricity, semisynthetic, microemulsion coolant that is ideal for a variety of materials, including all the materials commonly used in the manufacturing of driveline components that the manufacturer works with on a daily basis. Additionally, MicroSol 585XT helps inhibit corrosion and keeps the machines clean, leaving only a soft film that can be easily removed during routine cleaning and maintenance.
After switching to MicroSol 585XT in February 2020, the manufacturer immediately noticed a significant reduction in the filter bags they used – down to two per month, from 19 with the previous coolants. Additionally, there was no more heavy, green residue on the machinery or rusting issues.

Due to the success of switching to MicroSol 585XT, the driveshaft manufacturer is planning to test additional products from Master Fluid Solutions. Additionally, the success is proving to be a driving force for many other improvement projects across their metalworking shop floor.
  • 90% reduction in filter bags used
  • 50+ machines in operation
  • 5,000-gallon central system