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Signicast Improves Employee Morale with Master Fluid Solutions™
Signicast manufactures precision investment castings for a variety of industries, including firearms, mining and oilfield, recreational vehicles, and aerospace. With three plants located in the United States and three in Europe, Signicast can meet the needs of small to large runs of components for a wide range of applications.
Biostability and customer service are the two main factors that drive Signicast’s metalworking fluid purchases. The fluid needs to avoid changing colors or developing a bad smell, which can indicate the presence of harmful bacteria or tramp oil and make for an unpleasant work environment for employees. Signicast also wants to know that its metalworking fluid provider will provide assistance if needed.

Nonexistent customer service from a previous supplier led Signicast to find a new provider. Its Milwaukee, Wisconsin-area facility uses a 10,000 gallon system, and the company needed to know that it would get technical support when it had questions about managing its fluid.
After evaluating several metalworking fluid suppliers, Signicast chose Master Fluid Solutions™ and its TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT for its operations. TRIM MicroSol 585XT does not require extra biocides or fungicides to remain biostable. The District Sales Manager from Master Fluid Solutions helped steer Signicast to the correct fluid for its machines, was knowledgeable about the product line and metalworking, and was confident that the product would work.
TRIM MicroSol 585XT became part of Signicast’s overall efforts to achieve longer tool life, and it certainly has contributed to the initiative. The machines are cleaner and do not have a brown sludge buildup, saving approximately $16.000 per year in its main coolant system.

However, it’s Master Fluid Solutions’s customer service that has really stood out to the company. When Signicast has a question about how to improve its shop floor, Master Fluid Solutions is there to provide information. Master Fluid Solutions also sent in its own service engineers to assist with discharge, clean, and recharge (DCR) to ensure a proper, thorough and quick process.

Additionally, the biostability of TRIM MicroSol 585XT has contributed to happier employees, who no longer continually have to report problems with the fluid. This takes the pressure off the Plant Engineer, who can focus on proactively managing and maintaining equipment on the shop floor and continue to reap the benefits of the cost savings, turning that toward strategic initiatives.

"Master Fluid Solutions isn’t afraid to jump in and get dirty. With them, it’s all about customer service."
– Matthew Speier, Plant Engineer
Signicast Improves Employee Morale with Master Fluid Solutions™
Signicast manufactures precision investment castings for a variety of industries, including firearms, mining and oilfield, recreational vehicles, and aerospace. With three plants located in the United States and three in Europe, Signicast can meet the needs of small to large runs of components for a wide range of applications.
Biostability and customer service are the two main factors that drive Signicast’s metalworking fluid purchases. The fluid needs to avoid changing colors or developing a bad smell, which can indicate the presence of harmful bacteria or tramp oil and make for an unpleasant work environment for employees. Signicast also wants to know that its metalworking fluid provider will provide assistance if needed.

Nonexistent customer service from a previous supplier led Signicast to find a new provider. Its Milwaukee, Wisconsin-area facility uses a 10,000 gallon system, and the company needed to know that it would get technical support when it had questions about managing its fluid.
After evaluating several metalworking fluid suppliers, Signicast chose Master Fluid Solutions™ and its TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT for its operations. TRIM MicroSol 585XT does not require extra biocides or fungicides to remain biostable. The District Sales Manager from Master Fluid Solutions helped steer Signicast to the correct fluid for its machines, was knowledgeable about the product line and metalworking, and was confident that the product would work.
TRIM MicroSol 585XT became part of Signicast’s overall efforts to achieve longer tool life, and it certainly has contributed to the initiative. The machines are cleaner and do not have a brown sludge buildup, saving approximately $16.000 per year in its main coolant system.

However, it’s Master Fluid Solutions’s customer service that has really stood out to the company. When Signicast has a question about how to improve its shop floor, Master Fluid Solutions is there to provide information. Master Fluid Solutions also sent in its own service engineers to assist with discharge, clean, and recharge (DCR) to ensure a proper, thorough and quick process.

Additionally, the biostability of TRIM MicroSol 585XT has contributed to happier employees, who no longer continually have to report problems with the fluid. This takes the pressure off the Plant Engineer, who can focus on proactively managing and maintaining equipment on the shop floor and continue to reap the benefits of the cost savings, turning that toward strategic initiatives.

"Master Fluid Solutions isn’t afraid to jump in and get dirty. With them, it’s all about customer service."
– Matthew Speier, Plant Engineer