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Asia-Pacific Energy Supplier Replaces Multiple Cutting Fluids with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT
The customer has emerged as one of the leading suppliers of equipment and services for the Asia-Pacific region's energy sector. Established in the late 1800s to produce steam turbine engines, the company is one of the most advanced manufacturers in the power industry, pioneering renewable technology and focusing on decarbonization.
One of the customer's primary operations mills high-quality gas turbine parts for power plants out of Inconel 939, a metal that's notoriously difficult to machine. Shop managers used two cutting fluids throughout the production process: a neat oil and a competitor's semisynthetic water soluble coolant. In addition to high coolant consumption and fluid costs, the neat oil significantly limited productivity due to strict fire service laws around its use. Regulations require that machines using neat oils be fully manned during operation in case an emergency requires a shutdown.
The customer replaced both cutting fluids with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT, a semisynthetic microemulsion prized for its high lubricity and ability to machine exceptionally challenging metals, such as titanium and Inconel. MicroSol 585XT not only dramatically extended sump life without tank side additives, but also provided superior cooling and lubricity to the neat oil. TRIM MicroSol 585XT's enhanced cooling eliminates issues that arise from built-up edge on cutting tools during operation.
Consolidating into one cutting fluid saved considerable time and operating costs. 585XT lasts 25% longer than the customer's previous semisynthetic coolant. Replacing the neat oil reduced consumption enough for the customer to cut fluid costs by 65%.

Switching to a microemulsion formula also allowed managers to reallocate workers who used to watch out for emergencies during neat oil use, resulting in additional savings. MicroSol 585XT also achieved a superior surface finish quality compared to the previous coolants.
  • TRIM MicroSol 585XT increased fluid life by 25% compared to their previous semisynthetic solution
  • Reduced costs by 65% with lower coolant consumption
  • Achieved superior surface finish
Asia-Pacific Energy Supplier Replaces Multiple Cutting Fluids with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT
The customer has emerged as one of the leading suppliers of equipment and services for the Asia-Pacific region's energy sector. Established in the late 1800s to produce steam turbine engines, the company is one of the most advanced manufacturers in the power industry, pioneering renewable technology and focusing on decarbonization.
One of the customer's primary operations mills high-quality gas turbine parts for power plants out of Inconel 939, a metal that's notoriously difficult to machine. Shop managers used two cutting fluids throughout the production process: a neat oil and a competitor's semisynthetic water soluble coolant. In addition to high coolant consumption and fluid costs, the neat oil significantly limited productivity due to strict fire service laws around its use. Regulations require that machines using neat oils be fully manned during operation in case an emergency requires a shutdown.
The customer replaced both cutting fluids with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT, a semisynthetic microemulsion prized for its high lubricity and ability to machine exceptionally challenging metals, such as titanium and Inconel. MicroSol 585XT not only dramatically extended sump life without tank side additives, but also provided superior cooling and lubricity to the neat oil. TRIM MicroSol 585XT's enhanced cooling eliminates issues that arise from built-up edge on cutting tools during operation.
Consolidating into one cutting fluid saved considerable time and operating costs. 585XT lasts 25% longer than the customer's previous semisynthetic coolant. Replacing the neat oil reduced consumption enough for the customer to cut fluid costs by 65%.

Switching to a microemulsion formula also allowed managers to reallocate workers who used to watch out for emergencies during neat oil use, resulting in additional savings. MicroSol 585XT also achieved a superior surface finish quality compared to the previous coolants.
  • TRIM MicroSol 585XT increased fluid life by 25% compared to their previous semisynthetic solution
  • Reduced costs by 65% with lower coolant consumption
  • Achieved superior surface finish