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Master STAGES CLEAN 2039
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Master STAGES™ CLEAN 2039

Washing Compound for Ultrasonic and Immersion Washers


Master STAGES™ CLEAN 2039 is a concentrated, very high performance cleaner made for washing all metals including cast iron and alloy steels. CLEAN 2039 can be used in spray-type and ultrasonic cleaning of light oils. CLEAN 2039 cleans the oil and metal residues off of the parts, while leaving a thin protective film to provide strong corrosion inhibition on ferrous metals. It is a good choice for cleaning cast iron parts.

  • Provides strong corrosion inhibition
  • To extend CLEAN 2039's wash bath life, it is very easy to remove tramp oils by using the XYBEX SCROUNGER™ or SCROUNGER™ JR Oil Skimmers
  • Low foam even in the high-pressure washers

Master STAGES™ CLEAN 2039   
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