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Precision Machine Shop Doubles Sump Life with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT
Established in 2006, the customer has been one of the Midwest's most trusted precision machining companies. They continue to grow and are a valued source for machine shop services. Striving to deliver excellence, the company provides their customers with various services and expertise.  
The customer specializes in milling, drilling, turning, tapping, and grinding operations on steel and cast iron materials. The customer faced significant challenges with their previous coolant, which led to rust that damaged machines, a heavy odor that produced an unpleasant work environment, and a short sump life, causing frequent machine cleanouts and increased coolant costs. The additional machine downtime also increased production costs and lowered throughput. 
Recognizing the need for a comprehensive solution, the company decided to trial TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT, a premium fluid from Master Fluid Solutions™. MicroSol 585XT is a high-lubricity, semisynthetic microemulsion coolant. The formula delivers extended sump life and better foam control versus previous-generation semisynthetics. Following the advice from a Master Fluid Solutions technical expert, the company tested the premium cutting fluid for 30 days. 
After the 30-day trial period ended, the company experienced exceptional results from the new coolant. MicroSol 585XT eliminated odor and rust issues, which led to a more pleasant and efficient working environment. Additionally, the coolant’s advanced formula increased the sump life from six months to one full year, reducing the need for frequent coolant cleanouts. This not only saved time but also reduced operational costs associated with replacing and disposing of coolant. Going forward, the satisfied customer will rely on Master Fluid Solutions for their expertise and product recommendations. 
  • Eliminated coolant odor, leading to an increase in employee morale
  • Prevented the formation of rust on machines
  • Sump life doubled, leading to reduced operational costs
Precision Machine Shop Doubles Sump Life with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT
Established in 2006, the customer has been one of the Midwest's most trusted precision machining companies. They continue to grow and are a valued source for machine shop services. Striving to deliver excellence, the company provides their customers with various services and expertise.  
The customer specializes in milling, drilling, turning, tapping, and grinding operations on steel and cast iron materials. The customer faced significant challenges with their previous coolant, which led to rust that damaged machines, a heavy odor that produced an unpleasant work environment, and a short sump life, causing frequent machine cleanouts and increased coolant costs. The additional machine downtime also increased production costs and lowered throughput. 
Recognizing the need for a comprehensive solution, the company decided to trial TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT, a premium fluid from Master Fluid Solutions™. MicroSol 585XT is a high-lubricity, semisynthetic microemulsion coolant. The formula delivers extended sump life and better foam control versus previous-generation semisynthetics. Following the advice from a Master Fluid Solutions technical expert, the company tested the premium cutting fluid for 30 days. 
After the 30-day trial period ended, the company experienced exceptional results from the new coolant. MicroSol 585XT eliminated odor and rust issues, which led to a more pleasant and efficient working environment. Additionally, the coolant’s advanced formula increased the sump life from six months to one full year, reducing the need for frequent coolant cleanouts. This not only saved time but also reduced operational costs associated with replacing and disposing of coolant. Going forward, the satisfied customer will rely on Master Fluid Solutions for their expertise and product recommendations. 
  • Eliminated coolant odor, leading to an increase in employee morale
  • Prevented the formation of rust on machines
  • Sump life doubled, leading to reduced operational costs