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Transportation Manufacturer Improves Tool and Coolant Life by 50% with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 687NXT
The customer is an end-to-end manufacturer of vehicles spanning the entire transportation sector, including automotives, railroad cars, naval ships, airplanes, and other heavy machinery. With more than 100-year history, the company has grown into a globally recognized leader of high-quality vehicles and transportation equipment, including turbochargers.
At one of their largest factories, the customer conducted a number of drilling operations on challenging materials like Inconel¨ and MAR-M246 super alloy. Despite running a high cost cutting fluid, the customer still suffered from short coolant life and high consumption and concentrations. Carbide drill life was poor and many tools even broke during operation. The customer needed a solution that could provide better performance without increasing operating costs.
The customer switched to TRIM™ MicroSol™ 687NXT, a premium, high-lubricity microemulsion that excels in operations with Inconel, stainless steels, and other difficult-to-machine metals and alloys. The solution is easy to manage, providing excellent lubrication and cooling while protecting machines with a soft oil film. The performance and versatility of the product has made it a go-to for aerospace manufacturers.
Within three months of charging their sumps with MicroSol 687NXT, the customer noticed significant improvements in a number of performance metrics. First, MicroSol 687NXT outperformed their previous solution with regards to tool life and surface finish, even at lower concentrations. This significantly reduced coolant and cutting tool consumption. The MicroSol fluid also lasted longer in the sump. By the end of the three-month trial, the customer had improved coolant life by 50%.

Tool life also drastically improved. After switching to the TRIM cutting fluid, each drill lasted 50% longer than before and tool breakage was eliminated. The extended coolant and tool life has resulted in significant cost savings. They will soon be expanding usage to other production lines.
  • 1,5x coolant life
  • 50% increase of tool life
  • Eliminated broken cutting tools
Transportation Manufacturer Improves Tool and Coolant Life by 50% with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 687NXT
The customer is an end-to-end manufacturer of vehicles spanning the entire transportation sector, including automotives, railroad cars, naval ships, airplanes, and other heavy machinery. With more than 100-year history, the company has grown into a globally recognized leader of high-quality vehicles and transportation equipment, including turbochargers.
At one of their largest factories, the customer conducted a number of drilling operations on challenging materials like Inconel¨ and MAR-M246 super alloy. Despite running a high cost cutting fluid, the customer still suffered from short coolant life and high consumption and concentrations. Carbide drill life was poor and many tools even broke during operation. The customer needed a solution that could provide better performance without increasing operating costs.
The customer switched to TRIM™ MicroSol™ 687NXT, a premium, high-lubricity microemulsion that excels in operations with Inconel, stainless steels, and other difficult-to-machine metals and alloys. The solution is easy to manage, providing excellent lubrication and cooling while protecting machines with a soft oil film. The performance and versatility of the product has made it a go-to for aerospace manufacturers.
Within three months of charging their sumps with MicroSol 687NXT, the customer noticed significant improvements in a number of performance metrics. First, MicroSol 687NXT outperformed their previous solution with regards to tool life and surface finish, even at lower concentrations. This significantly reduced coolant and cutting tool consumption. The MicroSol fluid also lasted longer in the sump. By the end of the three-month trial, the customer had improved coolant life by 50%.

Tool life also drastically improved. After switching to the TRIM cutting fluid, each drill lasted 50% longer than before and tool breakage was eliminated. The extended coolant and tool life has resulted in significant cost savings. They will soon be expanding usage to other production lines.
  • 1,5x coolant life
  • 50% increase of tool life
  • Eliminated broken cutting tools