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Case Studies

Leading Indian Auto and Aerospace Parts Manufacturer Lowers Coolant Consumption by 22% with TRIM™
The customer established their operation in India in 1991 to manufacture aftermarket brake parts for the North American market. In 1995, the company expanded to include master cylinder castings, turbocharger components, and numerous other specialty automotive and aerospace products. Dedicated to fostering talent, a majority of their team has been with the company for more than a decade, helping them grow into a global leader with over $100 million in annual revenue.
The customer’s large manufacturing facility houses hundreds of CNC machines, which carry out complex milling, drilling, tapping, and multi-step forming operations primarily with cast aluminum. However, their polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tooling left behind bore marks on a number of finished parts, leading to a high and unacceptable scrap rate.

Their previous coolant, with it’s high carry-off, increased the makeup rate as well as overall coolant consumption and fluid costs despite the fluid’s low price. Frequent coolant change-outs also decreased productivity and raised labor expenses.
The company upgraded their cutting fluid to TRIM™ E860, a leading-edge, general-purpose emulsion formulated for compatibility with a wide range of ferrous and nonferrous metals. The fluid’s benefits - which include excellent tramp oil rejection, overall cleanliness, higher lubricity at lower concentrations, and easy maintenance - make it especially suitable for their complex operations with cast aluminum.
After only two months in their machine sumps, E860 completely eliminated bore marks in the parts. TRIM E860 has also eliminated the staining and white corrosion on the aluminum. All products achieved a noticeably superior finish with less rework. Machine cleanliness has improved as well.

Most importantly, E860 achieved superior results with only a seven percent concentration in the sump - significantly less than their previous cutting fluid. Makeup averaged only 1,5% vs the previous product’s 2,5%. Though E860 costs more than the customer’s previous cutting fluid, the company reduced coolant consumption to a level where they reduced coolant spend.
  • Drastically reduced coolant consumption by 22%
  • Previous product usage was 7 drums per month, now 5.5 with TRIM E860
  • Significantly improved part quality and reduced scrap
  • Achieved superior results with only 7% cutting fluid concentration in sumps with 1,5% makeup concentration
  • 30 machines in master cylinder cells converted to TRIM E860
Leading Indian Auto and Aerospace Parts Manufacturer Lowers Coolant Consumption by 22% with TRIM™
The customer established their operation in India in 1991 to manufacture aftermarket brake parts for the North American market. In 1995, the company expanded to include master cylinder castings, turbocharger components, and numerous other specialty automotive and aerospace products. Dedicated to fostering talent, a majority of their team has been with the company for more than a decade, helping them grow into a global leader with over $100 million in annual revenue.
The customer’s large manufacturing facility houses hundreds of CNC machines, which carry out complex milling, drilling, tapping, and multi-step forming operations primarily with cast aluminum. However, their polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tooling left behind bore marks on a number of finished parts, leading to a high and unacceptable scrap rate.

Their previous coolant, with it’s high carry-off, increased the makeup rate as well as overall coolant consumption and fluid costs despite the fluid’s low price. Frequent coolant change-outs also decreased productivity and raised labor expenses.
The company upgraded their cutting fluid to TRIM™ E860, a leading-edge, general-purpose emulsion formulated for compatibility with a wide range of ferrous and nonferrous metals. The fluid’s benefits - which include excellent tramp oil rejection, overall cleanliness, higher lubricity at lower concentrations, and easy maintenance - make it especially suitable for their complex operations with cast aluminum.
After only two months in their machine sumps, E860 completely eliminated bore marks in the parts. TRIM E860 has also eliminated the staining and white corrosion on the aluminum. All products achieved a noticeably superior finish with less rework. Machine cleanliness has improved as well.

Most importantly, E860 achieved superior results with only a seven percent concentration in the sump - significantly less than their previous cutting fluid. Makeup averaged only 1,5% vs the previous product’s 2,5%. Though E860 costs more than the customer’s previous cutting fluid, the company reduced coolant consumption to a level where they reduced coolant spend.
  • Drastically reduced coolant consumption by 22%
  • Previous product usage was 7 drums per month, now 5.5 with TRIM E860
  • Significantly improved part quality and reduced scrap
  • Achieved superior results with only 7% cutting fluid concentration in sumps with 1,5% makeup concentration
  • 30 machines in master cylinder cells converted to TRIM E860