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Case Studies

Arkansas Automotive Products Facility Cuts Costs by 30% with Master Fluid Solutions™
A Heber Springs, Arkansas facility, as part of a global company, focuses on suspension products for the automotive industry using COBAPRESS™, gravity die casting, low-pressure casting, machining, and assembly. The facility works with aluminum alloy.
Machine operators handle parts all day that are saturated in metalworking fluid, and environmental health and safety for these employees is a big concern for the facility. Dermatitis not only affects employee morale but also productivity.

Additionally, at a plant like this one, a lot of fluids are used on a day-to-day basis. A significant driver for choosing fluid is how to lower the cost per piece, which in this case is how much metalworking fluid is used to manufacture one part, measured in gallons of concentrate.
The facility chose a TRIM™ MicroSol™ product that has moderate to heavy lubricity, as well as low carry off on the parts. It meets the health and safety standards set by the company, as well as a cleanliness specification to protect the state-of-the-art machines in the plant.

In addition to providing guidance for choosing the right fluid, Master Fluid Solutions® also came on-site to implement service aspects to better control fluid management. This included weekly fluid sampling and concentration checks, as well as training for facility employees. This ongoing on-site maintenance and education helps them improve the life of their fluid.
The cost savings alone have proven that the TRIM MicroSol fluid is ideal for the facility. The company was able to slash its cost per piece by 30%, a savings of approximately $180,000 per year or $540,000 over the three-year contract signed with Master Fluid Solutions.

The facility is also seeing a cleaner working environment. And as a result of the improved metalworking fluid management techniques implemented alongside Master Fluid Solutions, the company has also reduced the need for service labor and floor maintenance due to equipment failures.

Anticipated three-year savings: $540,000 with TRIM MicroSol
Arkansas Automotive Products Facility Cuts Costs by 30% with Master Fluid Solutions™
A Heber Springs, Arkansas facility, as part of a global company, focuses on suspension products for the automotive industry using COBAPRESS™, gravity die casting, low-pressure casting, machining, and assembly. The facility works with aluminum alloy.
Machine operators handle parts all day that are saturated in metalworking fluid, and environmental health and safety for these employees is a big concern for the facility. Dermatitis not only affects employee morale but also productivity.

Additionally, at a plant like this one, a lot of fluids are used on a day-to-day basis. A significant driver for choosing fluid is how to lower the cost per piece, which in this case is how much metalworking fluid is used to manufacture one part, measured in gallons of concentrate.
The facility chose a TRIM™ MicroSol™ product that has moderate to heavy lubricity, as well as low carry off on the parts. It meets the health and safety standards set by the company, as well as a cleanliness specification to protect the state-of-the-art machines in the plant.

In addition to providing guidance for choosing the right fluid, Master Fluid Solutions® also came on-site to implement service aspects to better control fluid management. This included weekly fluid sampling and concentration checks, as well as training for facility employees. This ongoing on-site maintenance and education helps them improve the life of their fluid.
The cost savings alone have proven that the TRIM MicroSol fluid is ideal for the facility. The company was able to slash its cost per piece by 30%, a savings of approximately $180,000 per year or $540,000 over the three-year contract signed with Master Fluid Solutions.

The facility is also seeing a cleaner working environment. And as a result of the improved metalworking fluid management techniques implemented alongside Master Fluid Solutions, the company has also reduced the need for service labor and floor maintenance due to equipment failures.

Anticipated three-year savings: $540,000 with TRIM MicroSol