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Manufacturer Extends Drill Life by as Much as 40% with TRIM™ E860
Founded in South Korea, the customer is one of the world’s leading climate systems manufacturers for the automotive industry. For more than 30 years, the company has been recognized as a technology innovator, leading to expansions across Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America.
The customer’s previous cutting fluid provided minimal corrosion protection, resulting in rust formation on the steel shafts during production. Low lubricity and cooling ability presented additional issues for the customer, causing poor and inconsistent tool life. The fluid also required frequent change-outs, which drove up supply costs and reduced productivity due to machine downtime.

When identifying a new coolant, the customer needed a solution that could optimize tool life, eliminate rust, and last at least eight to 10 months or more in the sump.
The customer tested TRIM™ E860, a low foam, multi-metal, general purpose emulsion that maintains high-quality performance regardless of the material. Known for its stability and predictability, E860 is one of the best options for precision and consistent parts manufacturers.

The fluid’s high stability offers excellent hard water tolerance, preventing residue formation while keeping machine tools and parts clean with minimal fluid maintenance — critical components for preventing rust formation.
After transitioning to E860, the customer reported zero rust formation on steel workpieces, eliminating one of their most costly production issues. Tool life increased significantly, up an average of 23.4 percent between the customer’s five drills.

Among the drills, the greatest increase was seen for 9mm drills — the tool with the highest revolutions per minute (RPM) — where tool life grew by 40 percent with E860.

Four months later, the coolant has continued to last longer and perform better in the sump than the customer’s previous solution.
  • Significantly reduced scrap rate by eliminating rust
  • Increased tool life an average of 23.4%
  • Extended tool life by 40% for drills
Manufacturer Extends Drill Life by as Much as 40% with TRIM™ E860
Founded in South Korea, the customer is one of the world’s leading climate systems manufacturers for the automotive industry. For more than 30 years, the company has been recognized as a technology innovator, leading to expansions across Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America.
The customer’s previous cutting fluid provided minimal corrosion protection, resulting in rust formation on the steel shafts during production. Low lubricity and cooling ability presented additional issues for the customer, causing poor and inconsistent tool life. The fluid also required frequent change-outs, which drove up supply costs and reduced productivity due to machine downtime.

When identifying a new coolant, the customer needed a solution that could optimize tool life, eliminate rust, and last at least eight to 10 months or more in the sump.
The customer tested TRIM™ E860, a low foam, multi-metal, general purpose emulsion that maintains high-quality performance regardless of the material. Known for its stability and predictability, E860 is one of the best options for precision and consistent parts manufacturers.

The fluid’s high stability offers excellent hard water tolerance, preventing residue formation while keeping machine tools and parts clean with minimal fluid maintenance — critical components for preventing rust formation.
After transitioning to E860, the customer reported zero rust formation on steel workpieces, eliminating one of their most costly production issues. Tool life increased significantly, up an average of 23.4 percent between the customer’s five drills.

Among the drills, the greatest increase was seen for 9mm drills — the tool with the highest revolutions per minute (RPM) — where tool life grew by 40 percent with E860.

Four months later, the coolant has continued to last longer and perform better in the sump than the customer’s previous solution.
  • Significantly reduced scrap rate by eliminating rust
  • Increased tool life an average of 23.4%
  • Extended tool life by 40% for drills