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Proud to Be Recognized As An AD Supplier Hero


2020 has been a year of unprecedented crisis, with a global pandemic forcing business closures and operational restructures to a degree no one could have anticipated. This has created a time of social upheaval and a level of economic uncertainty never seen in modern history. “Business as usual” may be a thing of the past. In the interim, as a collective, we’ve entered a “new normal.”

Though this has been incredibly difficult, the concept of community has proven to be the glue to hold everything together. Businesses in every sector across the nation have worked tirelessly to protect their local economies. We’ve lent a hand to those in need and have been humbled by the support we’ve received.

As the end of the year approaches, our partners at Affiliated Distributors (AD) launched the AD Supplier Heroes campaign, recognizing the companies that have stepped up to the plate in the face of these overwhelming challenges. These companies have gone above and beyond in working with distributors and transparently collaborating so that we can all continue serving our communities during this tough time. AD’s CEO Bill Weisberg said over the summer, “Our members are local business people helping our economies endure in a very challenging time, and to me, they’re heroes.”

The team at Master Fluid Solutions™ is incredibly honored to be recognized as one of those heroes, and we are proud to bear the AD Supplier Hero 2020 logo next to our name.

As AD’s company motto states, “Together, we win.” We at Master Fluid Solutions have been working hand in hand with our community since 1951 to create a thriving local economy and drive value and innovation in the metalworking industry. With the challenges of 2020, this mission is more important than ever.

We are proud to support our distribution partners and are grateful for the opportunity to be here for them during these tough times. Thank you Affiliated Distributors for honoring us as an AD Supplier Hero!

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