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Case Studies

TRIM® C385

Indonesian Auto Manufacturer Doubles Coolant and Tool Life with TRIM® C385
Founded in 1973, the customer is a leading automotive manufacturer based in Indonesia. Formed as a joint venture between a globally recognized automotive brand and local manufacturers, the company originally focused on producing parts and accessories. Over time, operations expanded to create production automotive parts for various markets.
Thai Compressor Manufacturer Cuts Tooling Costs by 40% with TRIM® C385
The customer is a leading compressor manufacturer in Thailand, specializing in eco-friendly parts and production methods. They use the most sophisticated and cutting-edge technology to create high-quality inverter compressors for clients around the globe.
Indonesian Auto Manufacturer Doubles Coolant and Tool Life with TRIM® C385
Founded in 1973, the customer is a leading automotive manufacturer based in Indonesia. Formed as a joint venture between a globally recognized automotive brand and local manufacturers, the company originally focused on producing parts and accessories. Over time, operations expanded to create production automotive parts for various markets.
Thai Compressor Manufacturer Cuts Tooling Costs by 40% with TRIM® C385
The customer is a leading compressor manufacturer in Thailand, specializing in eco-friendly parts and production methods. They use the most sophisticated and cutting-edge technology to create high-quality inverter compressors for clients around the globe.
Indonesian Auto Manufacturer Doubles Coolant and Tool Life with TRIM® C385
Founded in 1973, the customer is a leading automotive manufacturer based in Indonesia. Formed as a joint venture between a globally recognized automotive brand and local manufacturers, the company originally focused on producing parts and accessories. Over time, operations expanded to create production automotive parts for various markets.
Thai Compressor Manufacturer Cuts Tooling Costs by 40% with TRIM® C385
The customer is a leading compressor manufacturer in Thailand, specializing in eco-friendly parts and production methods. They use the most sophisticated and cutting-edge technology to create high-quality inverter compressors for clients around the globe.