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A Thailand Manufacturer Increased Tool Life 5% with TRIM™ SC310
With more than 16 years of experience in manufacturing precision axles and shafts and other parts backed by an expert technical team, the customer is committed to providing their customers and partners with high-quality products, competitive prices, and timely service. 
The manufacturer needed help with critical challenges in their manufacturing process due to the limitations of their existing coolant. The issues included the coolant’s short sump life, requiring replacement every 2-3 months, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. On top of these challenges, the manufacturer’s previous coolant provider offered insufficient customer service and support. The lack of customer support caused the manufacturer to make guesses regarding their coolant maintenance, often leading to additional problems. 
Eager for a solution, the manufacturer contacted a technical expert from Master Fluid Solution™ to find a coolant that improved their operations. The expert evaluated their situation and recommended a trial of TRIM™ SC310, a high-oil, semisynthetic coolant designed to address the complexities of demanding machining and grinding applications. TRIM SC310 is uniquely formulated to deliver the cooling efficiency, rust inhibition, and wetting capabilities of premium synthetics, combined with the mechanical lubricity and machine compatibility characteristic of soluble oils.
The trial of TRIM SC310 led to a 5% increase in tool life, contributing to significant cost savings and reduced downtime. The coolant life also increased from 2-3 months to an impressive one year; the manufacturer enjoyed a 5% reduction in coolant usage and disposal costs, resulting in additional significant operational savings.
  • 5% increase in tool life
  • 5% reduction in coolant cost
  • Increased coolant life to 1 year
  • Reduction in cycle time, improving productivity
A Thailand Manufacturer Increased Tool Life 5% with TRIM™ SC310
With more than 16 years of experience in manufacturing precision axles and shafts and other parts backed by an expert technical team, the customer is committed to providing their customers and partners with high-quality products, competitive prices, and timely service. 
The manufacturer needed help with critical challenges in their manufacturing process due to the limitations of their existing coolant. The issues included the coolant’s short sump life, requiring replacement every 2-3 months, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. On top of these challenges, the manufacturer’s previous coolant provider offered insufficient customer service and support. The lack of customer support caused the manufacturer to make guesses regarding their coolant maintenance, often leading to additional problems. 
Eager for a solution, the manufacturer contacted a technical expert from Master Fluid Solution™ to find a coolant that improved their operations. The expert evaluated their situation and recommended a trial of TRIM™ SC310, a high-oil, semisynthetic coolant designed to address the complexities of demanding machining and grinding applications. TRIM SC310 is uniquely formulated to deliver the cooling efficiency, rust inhibition, and wetting capabilities of premium synthetics, combined with the mechanical lubricity and machine compatibility characteristic of soluble oils.
The trial of TRIM SC310 led to a 5% increase in tool life, contributing to significant cost savings and reduced downtime. The coolant life also increased from 2-3 months to an impressive one year; the manufacturer enjoyed a 5% reduction in coolant usage and disposal costs, resulting in additional significant operational savings.
  • 5% increase in tool life
  • 5% reduction in coolant cost
  • Increased coolant life to 1 year
  • Reduction in cycle time, improving productivity