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Wilson Tool Finds the Formula for Worker Health & Safety with Master Fluid Solutions™
Global custom tooling company Wilson Tool International provides a complete line of tooling products for the additive, tableting, stamping, bending, and punching industries. From the louvers on the back of a microwave to the back panel of a computer server, if a company needs something to stamp out different forms, Wilson Tool likely makes it.
Wilson Tool provides parts to a wide variety of industries, from automotive to information technology. Parts have to be delivered to specifications, with very low tolerance for error. Nothing can be delivered with scratches or dents, and fluids play a large role in ensuring that Wilson Tool’s products meet its customers’ exacting standards.

Additionally, worker health and safety can’t be overstated. Employees spend a lot of time in contact with the different fluids for milling, cutting, and other metalworking applications. Regardless of whether the fluid is oil-based, water-based, or pure oil, it needs to minimize dermatitis cases.
To meet its different metalworking application needs, Wilson Tool purchases three different fluids from Master Fluid Solutions™ that can be adapted to different applications. TRIM™ OGR 263 is the straight oil solution that Wilson Tool uses, along with TRIM C270 for grinding and TRIM MicroSol™ 690XT.
Wilson Tool has dramatically reduced coolant waste and dermatitis cases on its production floor. The company uses 8.000-gallon tanks to run coolant through its three systems and the coolant lasts at least seven years before it needs to be cleaned out and recharged. The most recent system Wilson Tool cleaned out had been running smoothly for 17 years. Going so long between system cleanouts means less waste is created which equates to a savings of roughly $35.000 every time it can be skipped.

With 400 people at its St. Paul, Minnesota facility, it’s very rare that even a single case of dermatitis is reported. While coolant cost and longevity is important, healthy employees have a major effect on the bottom line, too.

"Master Fluid Solutions built a coolant that we can recycle and send back through our machines, and all improvements were made by them. We’ve built a good relationship, and they’re an important partner of ours."

– Duane Berg, Maintenance and Facilities Manager
Wilson Tool Finds the Formula for Worker Health & Safety with Master Fluid Solutions™
Global custom tooling company Wilson Tool International provides a complete line of tooling products for the additive, tableting, stamping, bending, and punching industries. From the louvers on the back of a microwave to the back panel of a computer server, if a company needs something to stamp out different forms, Wilson Tool likely makes it.
Wilson Tool provides parts to a wide variety of industries, from automotive to information technology. Parts have to be delivered to specifications, with very low tolerance for error. Nothing can be delivered with scratches or dents, and fluids play a large role in ensuring that Wilson Tool’s products meet its customers’ exacting standards.

Additionally, worker health and safety can’t be overstated. Employees spend a lot of time in contact with the different fluids for milling, cutting, and other metalworking applications. Regardless of whether the fluid is oil-based, water-based, or pure oil, it needs to minimize dermatitis cases.
To meet its different metalworking application needs, Wilson Tool purchases three different fluids from Master Fluid Solutions™ that can be adapted to different applications. TRIM™ OGR 263 is the straight oil solution that Wilson Tool uses, along with TRIM C270 for grinding and TRIM MicroSol™ 690XT.
Wilson Tool has dramatically reduced coolant waste and dermatitis cases on its production floor. The company uses 8.000-gallon tanks to run coolant through its three systems and the coolant lasts at least seven years before it needs to be cleaned out and recharged. The most recent system Wilson Tool cleaned out had been running smoothly for 17 years. Going so long between system cleanouts means less waste is created which equates to a savings of roughly $35.000 every time it can be skipped.

With 400 people at its St. Paul, Minnesota facility, it’s very rare that even a single case of dermatitis is reported. While coolant cost and longevity is important, healthy employees have a major effect on the bottom line, too.

"Master Fluid Solutions built a coolant that we can recycle and send back through our machines, and all improvements were made by them. We’ve built a good relationship, and they’re an important partner of ours."

– Duane Berg, Maintenance and Facilities Manager