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Case Studies

Military Vehicle Manufacturer Reduced Cost Per Cut with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT
A Military Vehicle manufacturer based in India provides solutions for all vehicles from light to heavy combat range for the Indian and International Armed Forces. 
Military vehicle manufacturers, a prominent player in the defense and military vehicle manufacturing industry, faced significant challenges in their machining processes due to their current metalworking fluid. 

The previous coolant was prone to excessive foaming during machining operations, which disrupted manufacturing and created maintenance challenges. The coolant caused machine parts to become sticky with heavy residues, reducing tool life and affecting the overall machining efficiency, contributing to a high cost per part.
To address these challenges, the manufacturer sought assistance from Master Fluid Solutions™. A representative from Master Fluid Solutions visited their facility, thoroughly evaluated the client’s machining situation, and recommended a trial of TRIM™ MicroSol 585XT™, a high-lubricity, semisynthetic microemulsion coolant. MicroSol 585XT provides an extended sump life, improved foam control, excellent cooling, and lubricity, is machine-friendly, and is suitable for mixed metals. 
Following the trial of MicroSol 585XT, the manufacturer experienced remarkable improvements in their machining processes. The new coolant eliminated the foaming issues that had plagued their machining operations, ensuring a smooth and efficient manufacturing process. The machine parts were no longer sticky, and the cleanliness of the machines improved significantly, leading to reduced maintenance requirements and increased tool life. The enhanced lubricity and tool life provided by MicroSol 585XT resulted in a notable reduction in the cost per part, contributing to significant cost savings. 

Impressed with the results achieved through the premium fluid, MicroSol 585XT, the manufacturer expressed their satisfaction and eagerness to continue working with Master Fluid Solutions. They recognize the potential for further optimization of their machining process and are committed to a partnership with Master Fluid Solutions to enhance their manufacturing capabilities.
  • Eliminated foaming issues, which led to a more efficient manufacturing process
  • The cleanliness of the machines improved significantly
  • Resulted in a substantially lower cost per part
Military Vehicle Manufacturer Reduced Cost Per Cut with TRIM™ MicroSol™ 585XT
A Military Vehicle manufacturer based in India provides solutions for all vehicles from light to heavy combat range for the Indian and International Armed Forces. 
Military vehicle manufacturers, a prominent player in the defense and military vehicle manufacturing industry, faced significant challenges in their machining processes due to their current metalworking fluid. 

The previous coolant was prone to excessive foaming during machining operations, which disrupted manufacturing and created maintenance challenges. The coolant caused machine parts to become sticky with heavy residues, reducing tool life and affecting the overall machining efficiency, contributing to a high cost per part.
To address these challenges, the manufacturer sought assistance from Master Fluid Solutions™. A representative from Master Fluid Solutions visited their facility, thoroughly evaluated the client’s machining situation, and recommended a trial of TRIM™ MicroSol 585XT™, a high-lubricity, semisynthetic microemulsion coolant. MicroSol 585XT provides an extended sump life, improved foam control, excellent cooling, and lubricity, is machine-friendly, and is suitable for mixed metals. 
Following the trial of MicroSol 585XT, the manufacturer experienced remarkable improvements in their machining processes. The new coolant eliminated the foaming issues that had plagued their machining operations, ensuring a smooth and efficient manufacturing process. The machine parts were no longer sticky, and the cleanliness of the machines improved significantly, leading to reduced maintenance requirements and increased tool life. The enhanced lubricity and tool life provided by MicroSol 585XT resulted in a notable reduction in the cost per part, contributing to significant cost savings. 

Impressed with the results achieved through the premium fluid, MicroSol 585XT, the manufacturer expressed their satisfaction and eagerness to continue working with Master Fluid Solutions. They recognize the potential for further optimization of their machining process and are committed to a partnership with Master Fluid Solutions to enhance their manufacturing capabilities.
  • Eliminated foaming issues, which led to a more efficient manufacturing process
  • The cleanliness of the machines improved significantly
  • Resulted in a substantially lower cost per part