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Global Manufacturer Saves More Than $126.000 per Year with MicroSol™ 585XT
The customer is a renowned manufacturer with facilities in key markets around the world. Already long established, the customer had optimized almost every aspect of their plants and was running a highly efficient and profitable global operation.
In November 2015, Master Fluid Solutions™ experts evaluated the customer’s current cutting fluid and identified an opportunity to generate additional savings. The company agreed that if a TRIM™ coolant could reduce current fluid costs by 10% or more, they would contract with Master Fluid Solutions as their primary partner. In addition, Master had to prove a TRIM solution could also improve tool life, reduce foam and residue, generate less mist, and extend overall sump life. To conduct the trial, the customer used TRIM exclusively at one of their facilities for 30 days.
For the trial, Master Fluid Solutions selected TRIM MicroSol™ 585XT, a high-lubricity microemulsion with excellent cooling ability. Compared to competing semisynthetics, 585XT delivers incredible foam control, a longer sump life, and high mechanical lubricity. The fluid is well suited for mixed metal operations and is especially compatible with gray irons, titanium alloys, aluminum alloys, steels, copper, and even plastics and composites. The unique formula also allows 585XT to perform well in high-pressure and high-volume operations.
Switching to MicroSol 585XT improved operations in unexpected ways. Within the shop environment, workers benefited from less chemical odor and cleaner machines, reducing overall machine downtime and time spent on fluid maintenance. Parts also came out cleaner, and 585XT had markedly lower carryoff, resulting in longer fluid life. In fact, the company only had to clean machine sumps half as often.

In total, switching to 585XT reduced cutting fluid usage by 8.350 gallons per year and defoamer consumption by 108 gallons per year. These two line items combined resulted in a savings of more than $126.000 a year, with Master Fluid Solutions far exceeding the promise to reduce costs by 10%. Since then, the company has converted more of their plants to MicroSol 585XT.
  • Reduced fluid consumption by 8.350 gallons per year
  • Reduced defoamer consumption by 108 gallons per year
  • Saved more than $126.000 per year
  • Reduced machine cleanouts by 50%
Global Manufacturer Saves More Than $126.000 per Year with MicroSol™ 585XT
The customer is a renowned manufacturer with facilities in key markets around the world. Already long established, the customer had optimized almost every aspect of their plants and was running a highly efficient and profitable global operation.
In November 2015, Master Fluid Solutions™ experts evaluated the customer’s current cutting fluid and identified an opportunity to generate additional savings. The company agreed that if a TRIM™ coolant could reduce current fluid costs by 10% or more, they would contract with Master Fluid Solutions as their primary partner. In addition, Master had to prove a TRIM solution could also improve tool life, reduce foam and residue, generate less mist, and extend overall sump life. To conduct the trial, the customer used TRIM exclusively at one of their facilities for 30 days.
For the trial, Master Fluid Solutions selected TRIM MicroSol™ 585XT, a high-lubricity microemulsion with excellent cooling ability. Compared to competing semisynthetics, 585XT delivers incredible foam control, a longer sump life, and high mechanical lubricity. The fluid is well suited for mixed metal operations and is especially compatible with gray irons, titanium alloys, aluminum alloys, steels, copper, and even plastics and composites. The unique formula also allows 585XT to perform well in high-pressure and high-volume operations.
Switching to MicroSol 585XT improved operations in unexpected ways. Within the shop environment, workers benefited from less chemical odor and cleaner machines, reducing overall machine downtime and time spent on fluid maintenance. Parts also came out cleaner, and 585XT had markedly lower carryoff, resulting in longer fluid life. In fact, the company only had to clean machine sumps half as often.

In total, switching to 585XT reduced cutting fluid usage by 8.350 gallons per year and defoamer consumption by 108 gallons per year. These two line items combined resulted in a savings of more than $126.000 a year, with Master Fluid Solutions far exceeding the promise to reduce costs by 10%. Since then, the company has converted more of their plants to MicroSol 585XT.
  • Reduced fluid consumption by 8.350 gallons per year
  • Reduced defoamer consumption by 108 gallons per year
  • Saved more than $126.000 per year
  • Reduced machine cleanouts by 50%